If you find that the bearing grease is leaking out of the bottom of your filler you may need to rethink - cleaning the filler. Too much heat can cause the grease to 'boil' creating pressure inside the column and blowing out the bottom grease seal.
With out lubrication the life expectancy of the bearing is very short.
The tapered roller bearing at the top and bottom of the filler column are 180x120x38 Model 32024.
To change the bearings you will need to:
Remove the beer bowl.
This will expose the thrust bearing Model 51126
Remove the threaded collar.
Remove the bottle lifting mechanism.
Remove the gear from the bottom.
Lift the column from the machine.
The bearing can be removed by:
Reinstalling the threaded collar to the column.
Dropping the column on a wooden block.
While this is apart you may want to drill and tap grease fitting - to make servicing easier.
Reassemble with lots of grease!
Temporary larger washer can be helpful while installing the grease seal.
Again - lots of grease!
Note that the lifter deck has been siliconed to the threaded column.
This keep water/beer from dripping down into the tapered bearings below.